Introduction to K8s at D11s (w/o yaml)
October 16, 2017
Introduction to K8s at D11s (w/o yaml)
At Descartes Labs we currently ingest about 25k images every day. By which I mean we download, recompress and store (in Google Cloud Storage) about 10TB of raw satellite data every day. This allows us to provide a single, unified interface to many different datasets including:
- Landsat (4, 5, 7, 8)
- MODIS (Terra, Aqua)
- Sentinel (1, 2, 3)
Our goal is to make this data available to you in the same way that we use it internally for crop forecasting, making map composites and object detection.
Count processed (23747790) from 08/09/2015 to 08/09/2017
interactive graph and data of “Count processed (23747790) from 08/09/2015 to 08/09/2017…
As of 2017–08–09 we have an archive of 23,747,790 images, representing 811.7 TB of compressed jp2 or approximately 8 PB of uncompressed data. Compression varies by data product and individual scene but we get about a factor of 10 on the average. This data is stored in Google Cloud Storage and accessed internally using our FUSE implementation where we have demonstrated: “…aggregate read bandwidth of 230 gigabytes per second using 512 Google Compute Engine (GCE) nodes”
Written by aliasmrchips next to the Rio Grande in Northern New Mexico. You can follow me on Twitter